#!/usr/bin/perl use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); use DBI; ### The full path (NOT URL) to the wsr.conf file $Conf = "/home/blurbler/docs/cgi-bin/wsr.conf"; ### The full path (NOT URL) to the wsr-lib.pl file $Library = "/home/blurbler/docs/cgi-bin/wsr-lib.pl"; ############################################################## # Prepare Page For Output # ############################################################## require $Conf; require $Library; $template_file = "index.html"; #$ID = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}; $ID = $ENV{'PATH_INFO'}; $ID =~ s/\///; $ID =~ s/select//isg; $ID =~ s/sleep//isg; $ID =~ s/from//isg; print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print "ID $ID
\n"; if (!$ID) { $ID = "$StartID"; } ############################################################## # Open Database/Setup Database Variables # ############################################################## $Newdata = join (', ', @UserFields); $dbh = &connectToDB(); $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT $Newdata FROM $tablename WHERE USERNAME = '$ID'"); $sth->execute; @MemberInfo = $sth->fetchrow; $sth->finish; #$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT count(*) FROM $tablename"); #$sth->execute; #$count = $sth->fetchrow; #$sth->finish; #$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT id, phrase FROM rotatingphrases WHERE showed = 'N' AND status = 'Active' ORDER BY id LIMIT 1"); #$sth->execute; #($defaultphrase, $selectedphrase) = $sth->fetchrow; #$sth->finish; #$sth = $dbh->do("UPDATE rotatingphrases SET showed = 'Y', views = views + '1' WHERE id = '$defaultphrase'"); #if (!$defaultphrase){ #$sth = $dbh->do("UPDATE rotatingphrases SET showed = 'N'"); #$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT id, phrase FROM rotatingphrases WHERE showed = 'N' AND status = 'Active' ORDER BY id LIMIT 1"); #$sth->execute; #($defaultphrase, $selectedphrase) = $sth->fetchrow; #$sth->finish; #$sth = $dbh->do("UPDATE rotatingphrases SET showed = 'Y', views = views + '1' WHERE id = '$defaultphrase'"); #} &closeDBConnection(); #if (!$MemberInfo[0]) { &ErrorMainSite('User ' . $ID . ' has been cancelled by the member, or terminated.', $StartID); } #if ($MemberInfo[7] ne "Yes") { # &ErrorMainSite('Member\'s account has been deactivated. Please try again in a few days', $StartID); #} ############################################################## # Parse Template # ############################################################## print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; open (IN,$template_file) || &error("TMPL"); while () { $script .= $_; } close(IN); # Handle Environment Variables $x=0; foreach $name (@UserFields) { $script =~ s/~$name~/$MemberInfo[$x]/sg; $x++; } $script =~ s/~COUNT~/$count/sg; $script =~ s/~SELECTEDPHRASE~/$selectedphrase/sg; print "$script"; exit; ############################################################## # Error Messages # ############################################################## sub error { my %ERR; $ERR{"DATABASE"} = "An error occurred while accessing the database file. If this persists, pleast contact the site administrator"; $ERR{"TMPL"} = "An error occurred while accessing the template file. If this persists, pleast contact the site administrator"; my $emsg = $ERR{$_[0]}; if (!emsg) { $emsg = "The script suffered an unknown error."; } print "\n"; print "

Replicating Site Script Error

\n"; print "$emsg"; print ""; exit; }